Over May, we are visiting two schools in England to run the 'In My Life' photography project. In this photovoice project, Year 10 students are asked to capture the important things, people and/or places in their lives over a 1-week period. Student will have the opportunity to publish their photograph(s) on our website (adolescentsociality.com), and exhibit their favourite photo at University College London later next year.
This project is being run in different schools in England over the next 18 months, with a comparative project currently being developed in Japan. We hope this project will help us understand what it’s like to be a teenager today, potentially challenging any biases and assumptions we may have. The photographs, and the things they tell us during the project, will be qualitatively analysed. Our findings will feed into the data collection design and development of the Adolescent Sociality Across Cultures project.
Keeping it Open: Project Resources
Are you a researcher and interested in replicating our methods? Or are you a teacher and want to run a similar project with your students?
We will be sharing our project materials such as student information sheets, consent forms and project plans on our Open Science Framework page. This will be regularly updated as materials become available, and is there for your use. Feel free to check it out - and do let us know if you found it helpful!